Thursday, May 26, 2011

They Exist?

For Advanced Speech class this week I have a different type of blog. This blog is a piece that I wrote in collaboration with an art student. The art student drew a few drawings to go along with it but here is the story:

Astonishing news came in today from our neighboring city in the pacific. They’re under attack. This attack is something quite unusual as well; it’s a massive dragon that the people named Castratikon. In the night, a bolt of lightening hit the ground and cracked the earth. The dragon emerged from this hole. Their military is fighting to hold it back as much as they can but all attempts to kill it are failing. The dragon seemed peaceful but the military wanted to bring it down by shooting at it. This is what is believed to have made the beast angry. He then went on to attack the city. We believe that if they are unable to kill him then we’re doing to be attacked next.  I fear for everyone and their families. Honestly, I don’t like Empire City much but I do hope that they defeat this killer beast for that reason. Here in Hawaii, everyone is already preparing to evacuate in case the dragon is not killed. We have all our things packed and we’re ready to go at a moments notice. We keep hearing news from Empire City but none of it is good. Their people are dying and their buildings and houses destroyed. Some people here are already leaving because they have no faith in Empire City’s military. I have planned to wait it out until I know for sure that the dragon is coming but sent away my family because I do not want them harmed in anyway.
As the day continued, I went out into the streets where almost everyone is now in a massive panic. I’ve decided to interview a few people. One panicked man said, “I’m getting out of here! There is no way that their failure of a military is going to defeat that ferocious beast.” This man reflects the views of many people in the city today. A calmer woman said, “I have faith. They can do it. I’m going to go home and pray for them. What happens happens but I’m not leaving my home.” She is a crazy yet brave woman. I personally would not take that route.
Waiting in my home listening to the terror outside, I hear fantastic news come in on the radio, “The dragon has been killed!” The news must have broken outside as well because suddenly the cries of terror turn into cries of joy and happiness. Everyone was hooting and hollering, “The dragon has finally been defeated by the military.” The military got the beast to the ground by shooting him in the eye and then attacked when he hit the ground, ultimately killing him. This was a great victory for them. We were glad as well because we are also safe now. Now that this event has passed, we must work harder to make sure that there are no more dragons under ground. Also, the body of the dragon along with the hole it came out of is being investigated. Further details yet to come.

1 comment:

  1. As soon as I finished the first paragraph, I immediately thought about Godzilla. I love your spin on this story. It's very entertaining. I'm excited to see how the art for this is portrayed.
