Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I am as _________ as _________.

Yesterday in class, we were given a prompt: Fill in the blanks, [I] [am] as ________ as ________. We could fill in whatever we wanted and we could interchange the “I am” part. I filled it in and elaborated on it. Miss Lester liked what I had to say so in this blog I've decided to post my response.

I am as curious as a puppy. I ask too many questions and say "what if" too many times. Millions of scenarios go thorough my head every week. Just like puppies, I wonder around places looking for new things and I love meeting new people. I am outgoing and spontaneous; always looking for something new to do. I hate staying in just one spot for a long amount of time because I feel like moving constantly. I like being outside on nice days even if it is just sitting in the grass and sometimes I even like being outside on rainy days. I love going on runs to different places; exploring.

During the summer, I'll be outside as much as possible. I'll walk almost anywhere because I hate taking a car when the walking distance isn't that far. Also in the summer it seems like I never get tired. I'll be out trying new things constantly, getting little to no sleep. I never want to do the same things in the summer either. I always want something new and better.

When asking so many questions, I get in some trouble sometimes. Some people don't mind but others think that I'm just annoying. They'll either answer or yell. When they yell I ask, "Why are you yelling?" and they just get even madder. It makes no sense to me because I'm just curious for the answer. This happens with my mom all the time. I'll ask why she's mad and she'll tell me. Then I'll ask why she feels that way and ten more questions and she'll get really mad. I just walk away after that.

In the past year I have searched throughout almost all of the woods in Cudahy. I've gotten lost several times but yet still managed to find my way out. There are very interesting views and scenery in the woods; different sounds an animals. Looking over the cliffs looks amazing, watching the wave’s crash down then roll up onto shore. It sounds very calming as well. I loved it there because it was so peaceful and it felt as if you were the only one in the world (until a bike rider went by of course).

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